News about Man's best friend,
and man's best party trick


Dogs Lasers
Some werds of advice to foreign dog owners Some new advances in the field of atom lasers
Story of a drunkard, undeserving dog owner, and the endearing tale of the dog who survived it.. New technology and it's fight against hoodlums"
The story of a dog with a wacky sense of humor Learn how the coppers use the laser against you
Heroic story, of a dog, with a jar on her head Neet Inanimate things, helpin out neet non-inanimate things
Newsflash: mean people hit dogs Scientist's make laser powered phallic object
Why dogs are better than cats Photographer at 5 o clock!! ZZzzzzzt!
Autistic people are supersmart, and they like dogs... Dentists arm themselves for the war on plaque
Missing: 3 yr old Female collie, answers to the name spotcutis, brown haired, has jagged piece of metal sticking out of back. If you've seen.... Lasers... helping, old, out-of-touch, military men, powertrip
  "Hooligans, and lasers"... a made for tv drama.
Stories courtesy of , but don't tell them that.. Poor man's laser...


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